Financial Services

Close-up of a person's hands holding a smartphone displaying a financial services app, with a clear and detailed user interface showing stock market analytics and personal finance tools. In the softly focused background, the person's face is visible, reflecting engagement and satisfaction with the app. The smartphone screen is sharp and prominent, emphasizing the accessibility of financial management at one's fingertips.


Banks. Insurers. Credit unions. Investment firms. Accountancy practices. The range of businesses operating in the Financial Services sector is diverse to say the least. So too is the range of products, processes, workflows and customer journeys that could be optimised across these institutions. So applying AI to Financial Services should never follow a one-size-fits-all approach. 

Having worked alongside product, technology and C-Suite leaders across Financial Services, Brightbeam’s founders already know that what works for one firm might not work for others. Yet there are common problems in the sector that we know can be solved so long as you apply AI in context. 

Risk Management

Operational Issue

Challenges in predicting financial market trends are impacting investment decisions, liquidity management and/or client confidence.

What we can do

Create customised predictive analytics using AI to provide deeper and richer market trend insights.

The impact we can make

Better analysis and reporting and resulting in informed investment decisions and minimised losses.

Inaccurate credit risk assessments are leading to higher levels of bad debt and the need to set aside more capital reserves.

What we can do

Cleanse data and developing deep learning models that can deliver precise credit scoring in real-time.

The impact we can make

Advanced credit risk assessments resulting in reduced bad debts and improved loan portfolios.

Customer Service

Operational Issue

Inconsistent customer experiences across channels are the source of frustration and increased account attrition.

What we can do

Programme generative AI-driven virtual assistants to provide omnichannel support that reflects customer expectations.

The impact we can make

Enhanced and uniform customer experiences resulting in higher brand loyalty and greater cross-selling opportunities.

Delays in responding to and resolving customer queries risk undermining long-standing relationships and referrals to new customers.

What we can do

Integrate institutional data with AI-powered chatbots for instant query handling or escalation.

The impact we can make

Smoother customer engagements resulting in higher-than-average customer satisfaction and new account recommendations.

Fraud Detection

Operational Issue

Rising instances of financial fraud are affecting profitability and creating potential compliance issues.

What we can do

Implement real-time fraud detection using AI algorithms based on real and potential threats.

The impact we can make

Instant fraud analysis resulting in secure transactions for customers and reduced financial losses for the firm.

Too many false positives in fraud alerts are creating a backlog of work within the Risk or Compliance teams and reduce operational efficiency.

What we can do

Review existing processes, identifying potential future gaps and applying advanced AI to continue minimising false alarms.

The impact we can make

More efficient fraud management resulting in lower operational costs and less manual re-work for busy teams.

Regulatory Compliance

Operational Issue

Continually changing financial regulations are keeping the organisation on the back foot and preventing it from being proactive in the market.

What we can do

Combine internal and external sources of structured and unstructured data then applying generative AI to provide up-to-the-minute reports and compliance checks.

The impact we can make

Seamless approach to compliance and risk reporting resulting in reduced legal costs and chances of financial penalties.

Manual and time-consuming audit processes are impacting decision-making and leading to a lack of transparency.

What we can do

Digitise best practice and designing AI-driven, automated audit trails, including anomaly detection for faster responses.

The impact we can make

Accurate, thorough and efficient practices established across the business resulting in greater transparency and fewer costly errors.

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